Engage T-1 and T-2 at about 4 and 5 yards with two body shots, then one head shot each.  Move to the 
barricade, and engage the swinger at about 4 yards, with two shots.  Then move to the next barricade 
and engage the final target at about 15 yards with three shots.

Engage swinger with four shots while backing up.  Move to left or right barricade, your choice, reload, 
engage targets on that side, then move to opposite barricade, reload, and engage targets on that side.
Right barricade has three targets, engaged with three rounds each at about 3-4 yards, left hand only,
around left side only.  Left barricade has one target, engaged with three rounds each, right hand only.

Start with back to T-1 at about 3 yards.  On signal, turn and engage T-1.  Engage T-2 at about 4 yards
while moving.  Once at the barricade, engage T-3 at about 5 yards to the left, then change sides and
engage T-4 and T-5 at about 6-7 yards.  All targets require two to the body and one to the head.

Start standing behind short barricade.  On signal, draw and engage T-1 at about 4 yards with six rounds.
Reload from slide lock, drop to a knee, and engage T-2 at about 7 yards with six rounds.  Not limited.

Side match
Three shooters, three paper targets, three large tennis balls sitting on an empty cartridge box.  On signal,
each shooter draws and engages his corresponding paper target with five shots, then the tennis ball until it
falls off the box.  After hitting your tennis ball, you may engage others that haven't fallen yet.


P(n)=procedural (n) = the number of procedurals
N=no shoot
F=failure to neutralize

Shooter	           ST 1  PD	   ST 2    PD	     ST 3  PD	     ST 4  PD      TPD       TOTAL
Robert Robinson   14.62   2       17.00     3       10.32   0        7.20   2        7       48.14
Jerry Culp        14.44   1       29.29P    7       14.86   0        8.63   2       10       67.22  
Randy Richardson  20.57   0       28.20P    2       14.86   0        7.80   0        2       71.43
Michael Birdsong  18.74   0       33.88P    7       20.47   1        9.00   2       12       82.09
Tim Thomas        19.48   6       44.33P3   5       21.52   1        9.94   2       15       95.27
Geotz Stobbe      21.03   2       32.43P    4       28.48   0       10.34   0        6       97.28        
Dave Chandler     23.96   0       43.73     3       25.44   5       11.99   1        9      105.12
Robb Judd         23.51   2       39.70    16       34.59   1       14.38   1       20      112.18
Eugene Russell    30.97  14       55.31PNF 22       22.55   2        9.09   3       41      117.92
Sophia Culp       26.29   4       42.28    14       35.32  12        9.73   2       32      119.30
Will Phillips     34.65   6       39.17     2       36.98   6       15.62   3       17      126.42
Brent Lavers      29.97   5       42.81     7       37.86P  1       19.22   2       15      129.86
Jerry Brown       50.49  13       49.43    22       37.15  12       19.86   5       52      156.93  


Shooter           Total   PD
Randy Richardson   9.73    2
Sophia Culp        9.73    2
Michael Birdsong   9.73    2
Brent Lavers      11.96    3 (odd number of shooters, so two others reshot with Brent)
Dave Chandler     13.02    3
Tim Thomas        13.02    3
Jerry Brown       13.02    3
Will Phillips     14.16    4
Goetz Stobbe      14.16    4
Jerry Culp        14.16    4
Eugene Russell    15.76    8
Robb Judd         15.76    8
Robert Robinson   15.76    8
