Three targets at about 7 yards.  Start back to targets.  On signal, turn around, engage 
each target with two shots each, reload from slide-lock, reengage each with two rounds.

On signal, draw and engage T-1 and T-2 at 1 yard while backing up, then engage T-3
at 7 yards (with hostage target).  All targets require two rounds.

STAGE 3:  OFFICE ATTACK (thanks to Jeff Myers)
Start seated in chair.  On signal, stand up, engage T-1 and T-2 at 2 yards, two rounds 
each.  Move to barricade, engage T-3 (with hostage target) with 2 shots, then T-4.  Then
preform a reload and move to doorway and engage remaining 3 targets.

Engage T-1, T-2 and T-3 (4 yards) with two rounds each.  Move to cover, engage T-4, T-5
and T-6 with two rounds each, reload from slide-lock.


As a side note:  George would have won, but he had a malfunction on stage 3.
Name               St 1  PD    St 2  PD    St 3  PD    St 4  PD     TPD    Total        
Robert Robinson    8.01   3    2.57   0   14.89   1    7.49   0      4     32.96
George Viar        8.46   4    3.05   1   14.08   0    8.02   1      6     33.61
Jeff Myers         7.55   0    2.65   0   16.09   0   11.32   1      1     37.56
David Teague       7.19   0    2.92   0   17.76   6   12.07   1      8     39.94   
Danny Pate         8.06   0    2.74   0   19.05   0   12.77   1      1     42.62
Crosby Taylor     10.65   0    2.70   0   18.50   0   18.50   0      0     44.65 
Bruce Keeler       9.88   3    4.14   1   17.04   1   14.04   0      5     45.10
Travis Roach      10.39   5    5.07   5   20.91   2   11.05   8     20     47.42
David Redding     10.24   4    4.56   2   20.53   1   14.16   1      8     49.49
Harold Walter     12.59   3    5.34   2   20.52   0   12.99   0      5     51.44
Whitt Deming      11.96   5    9.19   2   18.79   0   12.29   0      7     52.23
John Vance        10.15   1    3.42   2   22.15   3   17.51   2      8     53.26
Mark Driver       13.05   6    3.97   1   23.18   2   13.60   1     10     53.80
Tim Malloris      11.20   2    6.44   0   25.23   3   18.76   5     10     61.63
Mike Deller       13.24   5    4.18   2   27.83   4   21.12   1     12     66.37
Melvin Watkins    11.20   2    6.86   3   39.04   0   18.31   0      5     75.41
