Three targets at 5 yards.  Not limited, but scored between strings.

String 1:  Two shots each, freestyle
String 2:  Two shots each, strong hand only.
String 3:  Two shots each, weak hand only.

STAGE 2 - 5
Sorry.  No stage descriptions.  We changed up the stages I had already planned

We shot the Air Marshal Qualifier.  Here is the course.

All strings are shot from a distance of seven yards. 
Drill                              Starting Position      Seconds Allowed       Total Rounds
One Round (twice)                  Concealed Holster      1.65  (3.30 total)          2
Double Tap (twice)                 Low Ready              1.35  (2.70 total)          4
6 rounds, 0.6 or less splits       Low Ready              3.00                        6
One Shot, reload, one shot (twice) Low Ready              3.25  (6.50 total)          4
One Round each at two targets      Low Ready              1.65  (3.30 total)          4

180 degree pivot.
One round, 3 targets (twice).
Turn left, then right.             Concealed Holster      3.50  (7.00 total)          6

One Round, slide locks back;
drop to one knee; reload;
one round again.                   Low Ready              4.00  (8.00 total)          4


1. TIME: Cannot exceed total time for each drill. Example: Drill #1 - 1st time 1.70
         seconds, 2nd time 1.55 seconds; Total = 3.25 seconds = Go. Must achieve a "GO"
         on each drill. 

2. ACCURACY: Target is FBI "QIT" (bottle). Total rounds fired is 30. Point value inside
   bottle = 5. Point value touching line or outside bottle = 2. Maximum possible
   score = 150. Mininum qualifying score = 135. 


Name                  St 1  PD    St 2  PD    St 3  PD    St 4  PD    St 5  PD   TPD   TOTAL
Robert Robinson       8.08   2    5.48   0   19.71  14    3.16   1    7.30   1    18   43.73
Joe Dimotta           9.47   3    8.56   2   19.00   3    4.83   3    6.58   3    14   48.44
Whitt Deming          9.94   4    8.54   2   22.12   1    3.86   0    4.47   1     8   48.93
John Vance           15.79   8    6.23   0   23.42  13    6.90   7    3.85   1    29   56.19
Tony Pierce          13.15   0   10.52   0   22.35   4    5.38   1    5.93   0     5   57.33
Tina Dickson         16.81   2    9.35   0   35.41  13    6.34   3    7.11   2    20   75.02
Melvin Watkins       23.38  11   15.93   2   30.21   9   10.29   7    7.33   3    32   79.81
William Holt         20.00   8    9.63   1   38.02   9    9.68   8    8.37   6    32   85.70

Air Marshall Qualifier Results

Robert Robinson       Melvin Watkins        Tina Dickson            John Vance 
Total Points 150      Total Points 138      Total Points 142        Total Points 141
1.10                  1.72                  1.87                    1.66
1.19                  1.82                  1.87                    2.12
 .69                  1.39                  1.34                    1.23
 .73                  1.50                  1.29                    1.15
1.58                  2.68                  3.09                    1.97
2.13                  5.36                  4.34                    2.95
2.11                  4.09                  7.20                    3.26
 .90                  1.91                  1.98                    1.69
 .81                  1.85                  2.07                    1.55
2.03                  5.33                  3.74                    2.98
1.99                  3.27                  3.44                    2.80
3.34                  6.28                  4.73                    3.68
2.33                  6.04                  5.06                    3.84

Whitt Deming          Joe Dimotta           William Holt            Tony Pierce
Total Points 141      Total Points ?        Total Points 140        Total Points 141
1.81                  1.39                  3.05                    1.71
1.68                  1.32                  2.40                    1.77
1.10                   .87                  2.09                    1.59
1.11                   .97                  2.26                    1.47
2.28                  1.75                  3.58                    2.46
3.40                  4.46                  4.45                    3.97
3.74                  4.66                  5.00                    6.09
1.59                  1.29                  1.50                    1.59
1.67                  1.25                  2.22                    1.84
2.99                  2.44                  3.88                    2.98
2.93                  2.84                  3.98                    2.87
3.99                  4.02                  7.11                    4.54
3.81                  3.50                  6.48                    4.79

Tiffany Johnson
Total Points ?
