T-1 at 2 yards, T-2 at 4 yards, T-3 at 6 yards.

String 1:  Two shots each, reload from slide-lock, two each, while retreating.
String 2:  One shot to each body, then one shot to each head.
String 3:  One shot each, strong hand only, one shot each, weak hand only.

Start seated.  On signal, retrieve unloaded gun from IDPA box.  Load the gun, then
engage T-1 and T-2 with two to the body and one to the head.  Move to cover and engage
T-3 and T-4 with three shots each.

Start in chair, holding baby.  On signal, stand up and engage T-1 and T-2 with three shots
each.  Move to short barricade and engage T-3, T-4, and T-5 with two shots each.  Baby may
be placed on floor behind cover.  Retrieve baby and move to better cover and engage T-6 and
T-7 with two shots each.  Baby may be placed on floor behind cover.  Any IDPA legal reload.

Three targets.  On signal, engage each target with three shots each, then come back and
reengage each with one head shot.  Any IDPA legal reload.  Don't hit the no-shoot.


Name                  St 1  PD    St 2  PD    St 3  PD    St 4  PD    TPD    TOTAL
Danny Pate           17.40   2   11.02   1   15.69   4    8.82   1      8    52.93
Robert Robinson      16.41   2   10.97   0   17.03   0   13.03   0      2    57.44
Trip Potter          19.97   2   12.54   0   23.05   0   13.65   0      2    69.21
Tem Hager            21.47   5   12.48   1   22.59   7   14.4   11     24    70.58
Joe Dimotta          23.82   3   13.86   3   22.76  10   10.93   0     16    71.37 
Pat Kendall          24.46   5   13.37   0   22.79   1   18.05   0      6    78.67
Justin Nepa          25.91   7   12.43   2   23.62   5   16.98   0     14    78.94
Casey Nepa           24.71   3   18.27   1   29.74   5   11.67   1     10    84.39   
John Vance           27.85   5   12.54   0   29.55   2   14.57   0      7    84.51
Tony Pierce          25.13   8   17.58   1   30.21   4   13.87   0     13    86.79
Melvin Watkins       25.46   5   21.40   5   31.34  13   20.10   1     24    98.30
Tina Dickson         33.03  12   20.71   8   32.38  10   19.30   3     33   105.42
William Holt         77.75   6   25.67   1   37.91   5   25.14   6     18   166.47 - gun problems

Whitt Deming         21.35   4   14.00   4   24.27   8   DNF
