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I have done a considerable amount of training the last five years. I have class certificates for around 600 hours of Officer Survival, Tactical, and shooting classes. That is not to mention other classes for drugs, investigations, or the personal training and matches in which I have competed. Is all of this really necessary? Of course not. But I have given a lot of thought recently to what IS enough. How much skill does the average officer or citizen need to save themselves, their partners or families from a violent confrontation and how much training does it take to get there? It is not as simple as saying a person needs to know "X-Y-Z" and they will prevail. Compare driving to defensive training. You drive in all weather conditions and have gotten pretty good at most of it. Do you train in all weather conditions? If you are supposed to attend a match or training class do you cancel if the weather will be less than perfect? If you are driving along a car suddenly stops in front of you do you just hope for the best or do you apply steady pressure to the brakes and carefully steer your vehicle towards safety? You do it SO FAST you have gone past the danger before you realize it. With your level of driving skill it was almost like you went into a type of "auto-pilot". That is the level you need to attain with your defensive skills also. It will take different people various amounts of dedication to get to that level. It should be at least one formal training class a year followed up with a monthly trip to the range, preferably an IDPA or IPSC match. If you don't follow up you wasted your time and money taking the class. If you are not willing to invest that much time or effort you probably should not carry a gun. I know that sounds incredibly harsh but the reality is that a gun is not a magical charm that will ward off criminals. When you draw it the bad guy will not cower down like a Vampire being exposed to a cross. There are various shooting tests that will give you a title such as Master or Expert but they merely test certain aspects of shooting and in no way can encompass everything that might happen in a confrontation. For instance I cannot think of one that has the participant draw and NOT shoot. Most of us know that is a real possibility. What do I think is ideal? Two classes a year with IDPA matches once a month. It doesn't have to be two pistol classes it can be long guns, hand to hand, or almost anything. Just keep defense on the front of your mind and you will keep more of ALL that you learn. James Yeager Chief Instructor OPS Southeast http://www.OptionsForPersonalSecurity.com Cutting Edge Training Across the U.S.A.
