Three targets at 3 yards
String 1:  Two shots each while backing up
String 2:  Two shots each while moving forward (start at 7 yards)
String 3:  Two shots each from 7 yards
String 4:  One head shot each while moving foward (start at 7 yards)

STAGE 2:  HOME INVASION (with b/u gun, start with 6 rounds only)
While sitting at home, someone kicks in your door and several armed thugs come running in.  
Start sitting in the chair.  On signal, draw your primary weapon and engage T-1 and 
T-2 (4 yards) with two body shots and a head shot.  You have some sort of malfunction 
(out of ammo), so instead of trying to fix it, draw your backup and engage T-4 with two 
body shots and a head shot.  B/U gun to be loaded with no more than 5 rounds.

You and your spouse are coming out of the movie theater when you hear her scream.  You turn 
around to see two armed men taking her purse.  At first, you think he is going to run off, but 
he lifts up his gun as if he is going to shoot her.  On signal, turn around, engage T-1 and T-2 
at 5 yards, without hitting your spouse.

STAGE 4:  GANG ATTACK (start with 6 rounds only)
While at the park, you are attacked by a small gang of armed thugs.  Start facing targets.  
On signal, engage T-1 at 3 yards, then engage T-2 and T-3 at 4 yards while moving to cover. 
Engage T-4 from the left side of the barricade and then T-5 from the right side of the 
barricade, both at 7 yards.  Then engage the two knock down plates (10 yards) from the right 
hand side of the barricade.


Name               St 1   St 2   St 3   St 4   PD    Total       
George Viar	  10.75	  5.20	 6.02  14.34	6    36.31
Robert Robinson	  12.47	  6.63	 5.67  12.94	3    37.71
Luis Tulla	  13.86	  8.21	 7.63  17.14	7    46.84
Paul Ertsgaard	  18.28	  6.58	 7.25  14.76	6    46.87
Dave Daley	  16.98	  8.14	 6.95  15.49	5    47.56
Danny Pate	  15.02	  9.27	 6.87  17.94	7    49.10
John Vance	  14.66	  7.66	 7.34  19.92	8    49.58
Mike Starling	  17.56	  9.48	 6.98  16.90   13    50.92
Tony Pierce	  19.16	  6.93	 9.30  17.48   12    52.87
Whitt Deming	  17.69	 10.56	 9.41  18.65	5    56.31
Daniel Columbus	  18.79	 13.35	 6.64  17.60   15    56.38
Brent McDade	  19.38	  9.56	11.08  19.58	7    59.60
John Burns	  21.60	  7.93	 9.45  24.15	9    63.13
Mike Deller	  20.54	 13.37	10.38  21.87   17    66.16
Pam Pierce	  26.23	 13.72	11.30  26.25   27    77.50
Rob Loket	  22.72	 11.70	 9.32  36.01   11    79.75
Rick Head	  22.15	 13.14	10.25  44.76   26    90.30
Wayne Colson	   DNF	  7.53	 9.08  14.78	1	
K. Craig	   DNF	 17.47	 7.45  25.41   20	
