STAGE 1:  STANDARD DRILL (limited, except for head shots)
Three targets at 3 yards.

String 1:  Two shots each
String 2:  One body shot each, then one head shot each, strong hand only
String 3:  One body shot each, then one head shot each, weak hand only.

Engage T-1 and T-2 (close) with three shots each while retreating to the barricade 4 
yards back.  Then engage T-3, T-4, and T-5 (various distances 5-10 yards) two shots 
each,  in tactical order around the barricade.

While walking down the street, you find yourself under attack by several armed men.  
While engaging the first two men, you take a round in the arm.  Engage T-1 and T-2 
(3 yards) with two shots each while moving to cover.  Once at cover engage T-3 
with two shots.  String 1:  T-3 strong hand only, String 2:  T-3 weak hand only.

STAGE 4:  BASIC SKILL DRILL (not limited)
First two magazines have six only.  Three targets at 10 yards, three targets at 20 yards.

Draw and engage T-1, T-2, and T-3 with two shots each.  Reload from slide lock and take 
a knee and engage T-4, T-5, and T-6 with two shots each.


Name		        ST 1   PD       ST 2   PD       ST 3   PD      	ST 4   PD	TPD	Total
George Viar	        8.41	0      10.75    1      10.00	1      14.25    4	 6	43.91
Danny Pate	        8.55	1      10.61    6       9.12	1      16.49   11	19	47.77
Joe Dimotta	       10.48	0      11.13    3      13.40	7      17.97	9	19	54.48
Billy Vanlandingham     8.88	1      11.21    4       9.45	2      23.80   22	29	55.34
Pat Kendall	       10.90	1      11.51    3      15.14	3      17.17	5	12	56.22
Tony Pierce	       12.46	0      14.98    2      13.56	2      17.82	6	10	59.82
Casey Nepa	       11.14	1      13.86    2      13.20	3      22.94   12	18	62.14
Whitt Deming	       22.18   20       9.80    0      12.90	3      17.85    7	30	62.73
Tim Malloris	       15.81	2      13.13    1      13.03	1      23.85   18	22	66.32
Justin Nepa	       15.35	7      11.85    2      12.58	5      25.90   10	24	66.68
Melvin Watkins	       12.79	1      19.25    5      13.20	1      21.96   14	21	69.70
John Vance	       11.84	3      12.94   15      13.84	5      14.78   27	50	79.40
Tina Dickson	       19.18	3      15.26    8      16.66	5      28.78   19	35	83.88
Wolfgang Haas	       18.80	0      25.23    4      19.24   13      33.16   31	48	98.43
Sandy Anderson	       23.82   11      23.81    3      19.55	2      35.41   13	29     104.09
John Harland	       23.96	0      25.57   18      17.33	3      28.42	2	23     104.28

Robert Robinson		 9.72	2	9.74	1      14.03   10			13	
Dick Shaw		20.75	6      24.42	4	DNF				10	
