STAGE 1: SKILL DRILL Four targets, two at 4 yards, two at 6 yards, with a no shoot in the middle. Start with 8 only. Draw and engage each target with two rounds each, in tatical order. Reload and engage each target with one body shot, then one head shot, in tactical order. Limited stage. STAGE 2: MAPCO EXPRESS (based on an actual incident) Start in line with several no shoots. On signal, draw and engage T-1 at just a few feet with two body shots and one head shot. Reload if necessary and holster. Move to the left and line up on T-2 at 20 yards. Draw to the ready and on the new signal, engage T-2 with two shots. STAGE 3: GANG ATTACK Start behind barricade. Draw and engage T-1 and T-2 at 2 yards with two body shots and one head shot each. Engage T-3 at 3 yards, with three shots, while moving across. Once at the new barricade, engage T-4 and T-5 with two body shots and one head shot each. STAGE 4: OFFICE ATTACK Start seated. Draw and engage T-1 and T-2 on the right side of the barricade with two shots each, using your right hand only. Switch gun to left hand and engage T-3 using your left hand only, then stand up and engage T-4 with two shots, left hand only. STAGE 5: CLOSE QUARTERS String 1 Three targets very close, and one no shoot. On signal, draw and engage each target with two head shots while moving back. String 2 Start at about 7 yards. On signal, draw and engage each target with two head shots, while moving forward. STAGE 6: SKILL DRILL Start with six rounds only. Two targets at about 2 or 3 yards. On signal, draw and engage each target with three rounds, alternating targets between each shot. Reload from slide lock, repeat.
Shooter ST 1 PD ST 2 PD ST 3 PD ST 4 PD ST 5 PD ST 6 PD TPD TOTAL Robert Robinson 9.72 3 3.39 0 10.56 2 8.13 7 4.70 0 6.81 4 16 43.31 Tony Pierce 13.78 3 5.27 0 13.15 0 7.54 0 5.15 0 11.33 7 10 56.22 Mike Glancy 15.85 9 3.94 0 12.53 2 9.62 6 5.15 0 9.27 7 24 56.36 Jerry Culp 19.44 16 4.56 2 11.17 2 8.78 1 5.63 0 7.91 2 23 57.49 Clyde Sulcer 18.00 7 4.07 0 13.30 0 8.91 2 7.08 0 8.48 2 11 59.84 Lani Glancy 14.85 1 6.11 0 15.30 0 12.51 1 9.06 0 9.69 1 3 67.52 James Darnell 19.04 12 5.67 0 16.78 6 9.06 0 12.87 10 7.10 1 29 70.52 Goetz Stobbe 22.28 5 6.79 1 18.09 0 12.78 6 7.09 0 11.64 2 14 78.67 Robert Judd 21.98 8 6.97 0 21.00 7 12.88 0 7.07 0 12.30 0 15 82.20 Jon Fauber 30.42 13 14.13 5 15.52 1 9.21 6 7.17 0 9.50 0 25 85.95 John Tilmon 26.44 11 8.22 3 20.40 1 9.83 3 13.21 10 8.61 0 28 86.71 Eugene Russell 30.86 16 9.85 8 23.65 1 11.22 1 9.83 5 15.14 0 31 100.55 Robi Simpson 38.94 13 12.61 6 28.15 7 14.94 0 12.87 2 19.86 0 28 127.37