STAGE 1: BASIC SKILL DRILL Six targets, two directly in front of you, two to the right 5 yards from table 1, two the left in 5 yards from table 2. Start in front of T-1 and T-2 at 3 yards, loaded with six rounds only, and one spare magazine on each table. Draw and engage each with three shots while retreating. Move to the table that is to your strong side. Reload from slide lock with spare mag on that table and engage those two targets with three rounds each. Move to opposite table and reload from slide lock again and engage both targets with three rounds each. STAGE 2: BABY, BABY Start in front of knock down target. On signal, move to your right and engage T-1 at 3 yards with two rounds each, then engage T-2 (knock down) until it falls. Pick up the baby from the table and move to the tall barricade and engage T-3 and T-4 with two rounds each. Place the baby on the table next to the barricade, perform a tactical reload, move the next barricade and engage T-5 and T-6 with two shots each. STAGE 3: TEAM SHOOT Two shooters at the same time. Load with six rounds only. On signal, shooter one draws and engages T-1 and T-2 at 5 yards with two shots to the body and one to the head, each target from opposite sides of the barricade. Once he is finished, shooter two draws and does the same thing on his side. Once shooter two has fired six shots, both shooters begin to reload and both engage a paper target on their side at about 10 yards with two shots to the body and one to the head. Once all the paper targets have been engaged, both or either shooter can engage a knock down target at 10 yards. All paper targets must be engaged before the knock down can be engaged. STAGE 4: BASIC SKILL DRILL Two targets at 5 yards. On signal, draw and engage T-1 with six rounds while retreating to cover. Once at cover, engage T-2 with six rounds around the right side of cover. Start loaded full, up to eleven rounds. STAGE 5: BASIC SKILL DRILL One target at about 4 yards. On signal, draw and engage with six rounds to the body. Reload from slide lock and reengage with six rounds.
Shooter ST 1 PD ST 2 PD ST 3 PD ST 4 PD ST 5 PD TPD TOTAL Robert Robinson 12.63 3 17.37 3 26.38 24 7.01 0 5.09 0 30.00 68.48 Jerry Culp 16.45 2 17.75 0 25.36 9 10.04 1 6.77 0 12.00 76.37 Tad Nohsey 21.96 8 18.81 0 22.02 8 9.80 0 7.37 0 16.00 79.96 Bob Briggs 27.18 7 17.87 0 21.25 2 10.33 0 8.15 1 10.00 84.78 Mike Holt 20.56 4 20.54 0 28.15 8 11.03 1 6.70 0 13.00 86.98 Blake McSwain 20.37 4 23.57 1 28.15 8 13.44 1 7.63 0 14.00 93.16 Corey Traughber 17.89 2 20.57 0 34.00 28 12.15 0 8.94 6 36.00 93.55 Robert Judd 21.07 2 26.85 2 22.02 8 16.76 2 9.20 1 15.00 95.90 Thomas K Hill 23.17 3 24.69 0 25.36 9 14.72 5 8.64 0 17.00 96.58 Lani Glancy 22.21 4 21.87 0 29.97 13 15.53 0 8.44 0 17.00 98.02 John Tilmon 20.51 10 28.97 4 31.25 10 11.35 2 8.28 0 26.00 100.36 Dave Chandler 23.59 1 32.98 0 21.25 2 14.83 1 8.61 0 4.00 101.26 Mike Birdsong 19.45 3 26.58 10 34.00 28 16.13 2 6.14 0 43.00 102.30 Craig George 29.78 23 29.03 1 26.38 24 13.29 3 7.58 0 51.00 106.06 Eugene Russell 28.62 11 27.47 1 34.41 28 13.03 2 9.74 5 47.00 113.27 Robi Simpson 29.43 18 25.18 1 39.60 31 17.33 2 8.77 0 52.00 120.31 Margo Stevens 35.57 17 41.50 1 31.25 10 16.26 0 9.96 0 28.00 134.54 Tony Indriolo 29.82 6 41.75 3 39.60 31 18.62 3 9.91 0 43.00 139.70 Jan Traughber 27.76 11 50.48 15 41.13 13 19.17 9 DNF 0 48.00 DNF James Morgan 26.28 10 31.26 10 34.41 28 14.18 3 DNF 0 51.00 DNF Harold Walter 20.92 9 29.22 0 DNF 0 DNF 0 DNF 0 9.00 DNF Goetz Stobbe 27.58 8 24.43 0 29.97 13 11.06 1 DNF 0 22.00 DNF John Vance 17.53 5 18.51 1 41.13 13 9.53 1 DNF 0 20.00 DNF