STAGE 1: STANDARD DRILL Three targets at 5 yards. String 1: Two shots each, reload one head shot each. String 2: Two shots each, strong hand only, reload, repeat, weak hand only. STAGE 2: HOME INVASION T-1, T-2, T-3, from 2-5 yards, KD-4 (knock down) at 6 yards. On signal, engage each target with two shots, then engage KD-4 until it falls. Start seated and table and remain seated while firing. String 1: Freestyle String 2: Strong hand only String 3: Weak hand only STAGE 3: GANG ATTACK STAGE 4: BASIC DRILL Engage T-1, T-2, and T-3 with two shots each. Reload from slide lock and repeat. Then draw your backup gun and engage each with two shots. We also ran a man-on-man match.
Name ST 1 PD ST 2 PD ST 3 PD ST 4 PD TPD TOTAL Robert Robinson 12.47 1 11.37 1 8.24 2 11.94 2 4 44.03 Mike Glancy 19.14 5 13.87 0 9.69 0 16.62 2 7 59.32 Pat Kendall 19.16 5 17.44 6 10.72 2 13.84 0 13 61.16 Tony Pierce 23.65 4 18.00 4 10.61 3 17.42 2 13 69.69 Ferrell Spicer 23.47 3 17.93 5 15.74 0 15.34 4 12 72.48 David Mumm 23.14 6 20.65 1 13.58 1 22.50 12 20 79.87 Jason Beaver 30.87 16 23.49 6 18.31 1 17.17 4 27 89.84 Lani Glancy 26.23 3 42.37 7 13.68 1 24.15 5 16 106.43 Shootoff results: 1. Robert Robinson 2. Ferrell Spicer 3. Pat Kendall