5 bad guys storm into office and spread out.  (2 BG at 4 yds, 2 at 7 yds, 
1 at 10 yds slighly behind no-shoot).  Hide behind the office water cooler
and take them out with 2 chest, 1 head in tactical sequence	

You're putting the baby to bed and the other 2 children are waiting when 3
BG break into the house In low light, at the buzzer move baby from the 
stroller to the crib. Give each target 3 to the chest from 7 yards, but 
be sure to avoid your 2 children.

Reading your morning paper at an outside coffee stand just after dawn, you're 
seated at a table with the gun on the table covered by a newspaper.  Three BG 
move toward you and take two people hostage at about 4-5 yards. Another BG is 
six yards away but all need to be handled. Use the 6 rounds in your first 
magazine to deliver 2 rounds to the chest of each BG, then reload and give
each target 1 round to the head

5 targets and 2 no-shoots at 15 yeards.  Hit every target with 3 chest shots
starting seated at a table with your hands on your knees, remain seated.

Timed stage from 3, 5, 7, 15 and 25 yards.


Shooter	         ST 1  PD	 ST 2  PD	 ST 3  PD	 ST 4  PD	TPD	 TOTAL   Raw Time	  
Mike Glancy	28.91  12	11.36   4	21.79  10	22.02	6	32	 84.08	    68.08	  
John Parker	31.31   1	10.98   0	21.93  11	30.59	6	18	 94.81	    85.81	  
John Vance	36.49  15	10.15   1	16.24   6	35.33  11	33	 98.21	    81.71	  
Mike Birdsong	31.62   2	13.06	5	16.44	4	38.23	5	16	 99.35	    91.35	  
Tony Pierce	37.49  17	 9.84	0	10.24	0	45.88  12	29	103.45	    88.95	  
Goetz Stobbe	35.92   0	12.09	2	23.77  21	32.94  10	33	104.72	    88.22	  
Marc Schwartz	37.60  13	12.88	2	17.50	0	40.02  23	38	108.00	    89.00	  
Dave Galloway	31.18   6	10.21	3	18.39	5	49.57  34	48	109.35	    85.35	  
Will Phillips	36.53   4	12.47	5	16.31	1	49.50  49	59	114.81	    85.31	  
Ken Grubbs	47.38   6	11.53	2	15.76	1	44.11  16	25	118.78	   106.28	  
Peter Cross	40.76  14	11.47	3	28.62	7	38.77  22	46	119.62	    96.62	  
Lynn Kugele	35.22   9	15.89	3	23.73	0	47.39  34	46	122.23	    99.23	  

Lani Glancy	  DNS	 	16.33  10	16.50	2	46.06	4	16	   DNF	      DNF	  

STAGE 5 (separate stage)

Shooter	          Time	PD
Mike Glancy 	 30.50	 9
John Parker	 52.62	20
John Vance       42.09	 4
Goetz Stobbe	 50.32	17
Marc Schwartz	 61.32	41
Dave Galloway	 65.01	45
Will Phillips	 66.24	40
Ken Grubbs	 64.42	13
Peter Cross 	 63.27	42
Lynn Kugele	 63.86	28
Lani Glancy      51.91	 6

Mike Birdsong	DNS
Tony Pierce	DNS
