STAGE 1: BASIC SKILL DRILL Three targets at 3 yards (limited except for head shots) On signal, draw and engage each target with one shot each to the body, then one shot each to the head, freestyle, reload from slide-lock and repeat strong hand only. STAGE 2: BROKE DOWN (loosely based on a real incident) You stop on the interstate to help what appears to be a stranded motorist. As you walk up to her, a man with a gun pops up from behind the front of the car. Start walking toward the no-shoot. On signal, draw and engage T-1 with at least two to the body while retreating. Suddenly two more armed men pop up from the other side of the car. Engage T-2 and T-3 across the car with at least two shots each, in tactical sequence (1-2-1). Take cover at the rear of the car and perform a reload with retention. Suddenly, the no shoot makes a move for the gun the first man dropped (second start signal). You tell her to stop, but she doesn't, so you engage what was a no shoot, with two shots to the body. STAGE 3: BOX DRILL STAGE 4: BOX DRILL
Name St 1 PD St 2 PD St 3 PD St 4 PD TPD Total Mark Driver 10.45 0 6.24 0 22.00 13 24.24 5 18 63.53 Jim Acker 12.88 0 7.44 1 19.31 8 24.32 10 19 63.95 Wayne Leggett 13.98 5 7.10 1 19.68 9 25.95 7 22 66.71 John C. Muir 11.98 0 7.38 3 18.95 8 28.67 12 23 66.95 Harold Walter 10.32 0 7.33 1 21.61 4 29.81 10 15 69.07 Mike Smith 12.44 0 7.68 0 23.24 6 30.30 15 21 73.66 Tim Malloris 14.26 5 9.20 2 23.14 6 28.20 21 34 74.80 Kevin Ferrell 11.75 0 9.44 2 20.36 12 33.80 27 41 75.35 Dan Sullivan 12.00 0 11.61 8 24.12 16 74.88 108 132 122.61