STAGE 1: HOME INVASION Pick up gun from night stand. Stand and engage T-1 (2 yards) with two shots. Move to the doorway and engage T-2 and T-3 (5 and 7 yards) with two shots each in tactical order. STAGE 2: STANDARD DRILL T-1 and T-2 at 5 yards, T-3 at 7 yards. Engage each target with two shots each, near to far. Reload from slide lock and reengage each target with one shot to the body, then one shot to the head, in the same order. STAGE 3: STANDARD DRILL Same target set up as Stage 2, but 1 yard closer. Engage each target with two shots each, strong hand only. Reload with retention, engage each target, two shots each, weak hand only. STAGE 4: GANG ATTACK Engage T-1 (2 yards). Engage T-3 (3 yards) while moving to cover. Engage T-4 and T-5 (5 and 7 yards) from around cover. All targets require at least two shots to the body and one to the head. STAGE 5: CLOSE AND DIRTY On signal, engage T-1 (1 yard) with one head shot. On second start signal, engage T-2 and T-3 (3 yards) with two shots each in tactical sequence. Move to cover and engage T-4 (7 yards) with two shots.
Name ST 1 PD ST 2 PD ST 3 PD ST 4 PD ST 5 PD ST 6 PD TOTAL TPD Robert Robinson 3.91 0 9.53 3 8.68 1 8.06 1 10.43 0 4.63 0 45.24 5 John Vance 4.86 1 9.62 2 9.67 3 8.41 1 17.85 2 5.75 0 56.16 9 Mike Glancy 5.76 0 11.64 1 15.62 1 9.41 0 17.39 0 8.55 0 68.37 2 Tina Dickson 8.06 2 17.90 2 19.29 0 12.41 3 19.06 1 9.13 1 85.85 9 Lani Glancy 8.65 1 17.67 5 27.15 0 15.21 3 25.98 5 13.38 2 108.04 16 Robert Pollack 17.19 4 23.08 11 27.08 7 20.77 15 39.10 14 13.81 5 141.75 56