STAGE 1: STANDARD DRILL (limited) T-1 and T-2 at 5 yards on alternate sides of the barricade. On signal, drawn and engage T-1 with six shots around the strong side of cover, strong hand only. Reload from slide lock and engage T-2 around the weak side of cover, weak hand only. STAGE 2: CLOSE AND DIRTY T-1 at 1 yard, start facing left. On signal, engage T-1 with one head shot while retreating. Once behind cover, engage T-2 and T-3 (5 yards) with two shots each, in tactical order. STAGE 3: GET TO COVER Engage T-1 (2 yards). Engage T-2 while moving to cover, then engage T-3 and T-4 with two shots each from the corresponding sides of the barricade. All targets get two body and one head. STAGE 4: OFFICE ATTACK T-1, T-2, and T-3 at 2 yards. Seated in chair. String 1: Draw and engage each target with two shots each in tactical order, then one head shot each. String 2: Repeat, tactical sequence not required. STAGE 5: OFFICE ATTACK VARIATION Start seated in chair. On signal, engage T-1 and T-2 at with two shots each. Engage T-3 at 4 yards while moving to cover. Once at cover, engage T-4 at 7 yards. All targets require three shots each, minimum.
Name ST 1 PD ST 2 PD ST 3 PD ST 4 PD ST 5 PD TOTAL TPD Robert Robinson 10.42 1 3.86 0 10.67 0 6.64 0 7.07 0 38.66 1 John Vance 11.53 5 4.93 0 11.48 0 8.87 2 8.62 2 45.43 9 Tony Pierce 12.52 2 4.57 0 12.18 1 8.59 0 9.54 0 47.40 3 Mike Glancy 13.26 3 4.95 0 12.79 0 10.19 0 11.41 0 52.60 3 Patrick Glancy 15.28 5 6.14 0 15.79 1 11.11 0 11.14 4 59.46 10 Lani Glancy 27.37 3 12.09 2 26.66 12 16.59 7 16.34 3 99.05 27 Robert Pollack 35.22 18 6.70 1 35.87 22 20.51 13 21.48 8 119.78 62