STAGE 1: STANDARD DRILL Three targets at 5 yards. Limited. String 1: Engage all three targets with two shots each, strong hand only, reload from slide-lock, engage all three targets with two shots each, weak hand only. String 2: Engage all three targets with two shots each, reload from slide-lock, engage all three targets with two shots each, in tactical sequence. STAGE 2: CLOSE CALL FOR T1 Engage T1 with one shot to the chest and one to the head. Move left and give T2 two shots to the chest. Keep moving to cover and give T3 two shots to the chest. From behind cover give T4 six shots to the chest. STAGE 3: BASIC SKILL DRILL/FUN SHOOT On signal, draw and engage T-1, T-2, and T-3 with two shots each, reload from slide lock, reengage each target with two shots each. Put your gun on the table, pick up the revolver and engage each with two head shots. STAGE 4: GANG ATTACK Engage T-1, two yards, T-2, 4 yards while moving. Once at cover, engage T-3 and T-4. All targets require two to the body and one to the head. STAGE 5: DIM LIGHT - SMOKE'M IF YOU GOT'M Start with two mags of four. From behind cover give T1 six rounds to the chest before he overtakes your cover position.
Shooter ST 1 PD Pen Total ST 2 PD Pen Total ST 3 PD Pen Total ST 4 PD Pen Total ST 5 PD Pen Total Raw PD Pen Final Mike Glancy 16.18 12 6.00 22.18 11.14 5 2.50 13.64 11.35 5 2.50 13.85 11.61 0 0.00 11.61 6.38 0 0.00 6.38 56.66 22 11.00 67.66 Pat Kendall 18.13 3 1.50 19.63 10.12 0 0.00 10.12 11.16 0 0.00 11.16 17.06 5 5.00 22.06 7.87 2 1.00 8.87 64.34 10 7.50 71.84 Tony Pierce 17.23 15 7.50 24.73 13.09 0 0.00 13.09 10.96 5 2.50 13.46 14.01 0 0.00 14.01 11.44 0 0.00 11.44 66.73 20 10.00 76.73 James LeBlanc 17.38 11 6.50 23.88 11.07 4 2.00 13.07 11.27 1 0.50 11.77 18.29 7 3.50 21.79 8.26 1 0.50 8.76 66.27 24 13.00 79.27 Robert Burgess 23.20 9 4.50 27.70 12.96 4 2.00 14.96 14.04 30 15.00 29.04 16.29 6 3.00 19.29 8.37 2 1.00 9.37 74.86 51 25.50 100.36 Roger Savrage 23.77 18 9.00 32.77 16.81 1 0.50 17.31 15.24 6 3.00 18.24 21.57 1 0.50 22.07 9.14 2 1.00 10.14 86.53 28 14.00 100.53 Jerry Culp 25.69 9 4.50 30.19 14.45 2 1.00 15.45 19.19 6 3.00 22.19 20.71 5 2.50 23.21 8.59 2 1.00 9.59 88.63 24 12.00 100.63 Scott Frick 27.75 7 3.50 31.25 19.25 0 0.00 19.25 17.05 2 1.00 18.05 22.49 0 0.00 22.49 10.24 0 0.00 10.24 96.78 9 4.50 101.28 Lani Glancy 23.78 12 6.00 29.78 14.34 1 0.50 14.84 18.72 4 2.00 20.72 24.20 7 3.50 27.70 9.15 0 0.00 9.15 90.19 24 12.00 102.19 Willie McIntyre 30.46 27 13.50 43.96 14.50 6 3.00 17.50 15.68 8 4.00 19.68 24.38 12 6.00 30.38 9.51 1 0.50 10.01 94.53 54 27.00 121.53 Tim Grze 28.55 22 12.50 41.05 20.61 11 8.00 28.61 15.58 3 1.50 17.08 20.10 12 6.00 26.10 10.72 5 2.50 13.22 95.56 53 30.50 126.06 Robbie Robinson 12.42 2 1.00 13.42 8.64 2 1.00 9.64 9.61 6 3.00 12.61 12.55 0 0.00 12.55 DNF