Three targets at 5 yards
Start behind barricade A.  On signal, draw and engage T-1 with two shots,
right hand only, from the right side of the barricade.  Then, while moving
to the barrel, engage T-1 again with two shots, freestyle.  Once behind the
barrel, engage T-2 with two shots from the left side of the barrel, then
two head shots over the top of the barrel, then two shots on T-2 again from
the right side, all freestyle.  Move to barricade B.  While moving engage
T-3 with two shots freestyle.  Once behind the barricade, engage T-3 again
with two shots each, left hand only, from the left side.  You may perform a
reload at any point, as long as it?s IDPA legal and done behind cover.  If
you shoot to slide lock in the open, you must retreat BACK to the last
available cover and reload.  You must start fully loaded up to your
division limit (11 for SSP, ESP, 9 for CDP).

Start with briefcase in weak hand.  On signal, engage T-1 through T-3 (3
yards), strong hand only, while backing to cover (do not drop the briefcase
until you are behind cover).  Once behind cover, perform a retention reload 
and engage T-4 and T-5 (7 yards) in tactical order.  After reaching cover, 
if you reengage T-1, T-2 or T-3 it must be in tactical order with T-4 and T-5.

Start facing T-1 and T-2 (3 and 5 yards).  On signal, engage both targets,
tactical sequence, two rounds each.  Neither target falls, so engage each with
at least one head shot each.

Start back to T-1, T-2 and T-3 at 3 yards.  On signal, turn around, engage both
with at least two shots each.  Run to cover, perform a reload with retention, then 
engage T-4 and T-5 (5 and 7 yards) from either side of the barricade, in correct
tactical order from that side.


Name                St 1    St 2    St 3    St 4    PD     Total
Robert Robinson    17.88    9.68    5.11    9.54    13     42.21
Danny Pate         24.18    9.00    2.83   12.17    13     48.18
Luis Tulla         21.30   13.13    4.06   12.00     3     50.49
Paul Ertsgaard     24.61   13.66    3.16   10.55    12     51.98
John Vance         32.85   10.80    4.24    9.22    18     57.11
Whitt Deming       28.63   13.79    4.04   11.80    12     58.26
David Redden       28.98   13.46    4.36   13.09     3     59.89
Dave Daley         26.98   14.13    4.36   15.52     9     60.99
Allen Gibson       25.50   17.39    5.44   13.13    11     61.46
Tony Pierce        28.55   20.86    4.27   11.33    19     65.01
Ben Gilluly        33.12   15.51    5.09   18.76    36     72.48
Bobby Bennett      35.85   16.81    4.38   18.92     8     75.96
Peter Gasparitch   34.17   17.70    6.26   18.52    22     76.65
Dick Shaw          39.00   17.97    4.59   15.55    17     77.11
Rob Loket          32.48   20.06   11.08   14.31    29     77.93
Ray Chism          40.54   20.55    4.67   18.64    24     84.40
Lynette Clower     42.37   19.40    6.49   18.72    12     86.98
Ford Beach         45.22   24.72    7.24   22.79    47     99.97
Rosalyn Fleming   121.00   37.93   12.80   68.13     9    239.86 (new shooter)

Wayne Colson       25.81   15.55    DNF     DNF
Harold Walter      30.27   18.14    DNF     DNF
Ken Martin         39.09   17.09    DNF     DNF
D.P. Hazlerig      39.63   23.74    DNF     DNF 
