Two targets at 5 yards, all limited, except head shots
String 1:  Two shots each
String 2:  Two shots each, in a tactical sequence
String 3:  Two shots each, one head shot each
String 4:  Two shots each, Strong Hand Only 

While getting money at the ATM, you are attacked by two armed thugs.  The 
problem is compounded by the fact that you are holding a child in your 
weak arm.  Start holding wallet, in outstretched strong hand.  On signal, 
drop wallet and engage T-1 and T-2 at 3 yards.  Then, run to low barricade, 
set the baby down GENTLY, and perform a tactical reload.  After you perform 
the reload, two of their friends get out of the parked in the distance and 
start shooting at you.  Engage T-3 at 7 yards, and T-4 at 10 yards.

While standing in line at the Mapco express waiting to pay for gas, a man
and a woman get into a fight behind you.  The man says, "I'm going to 
shoot you."  Not taking any chances, you run around and get behind a 
doorway.  The guy pulls a gun and starts shooting.  After you are in 
the 'doorway' and you are facing downrange, pull your gun and engage 
T-1 with at least two shots.  There is a no-shoot cashier target and 
a no-shoot girlfriend target.  Then, his friend starts shooting at you 
from across the street.  Several bullets almost hit you, and since he 
is firing with a high-powered rifle, the bullets are coming through the 
thin wall.  Engage T-2 at 20 yards with at least two shots.

STAGE 4:  SPEED DRILLTwo targets at 4 yards.  
Draw and fire at least two shots to each.



Name               St 1   St 2   St 3   St 4    Total     
George Viar       10.36  10.55   7.37   2.68    30.96  - ESP SS 
Mark Driver       14.37  12.17   6.38   2.39    35.31  - SSP SS
Robert Robinson   18.17  11.20   6.88   2.19    38.44  - SSP EX
Jon Pace          16.09  14.92   6.04   2.14    39.19  - SSP SS
Steve Woodward    14.30  16.08   6.62   2.43    39.43  - SSP SS
Wayne Colson      13.98  16.36   7.69   2.21    40.24  - SSP SS 
Mike Starling     12.52  16.91   9.88   2.31    41.62  - SSP SS
Dave Daley        18.24  15.73   7.63   2.40    44.00  - SSP MM
Joe Dimotta       15.23  18.61   8.57   2.28    44.69  - ESP MM   
Tony Pierce       18.68  15.52   8.65   2.33    45.18  - SSP MM
Bill Tucker       19.93  17.99   7.46   3.11    48.49  - SSP NV
Robb Dickson      19.67  17.88   8.51   2.44    48.50  - SSP MM
Tim Jefferson     18.70  19.55   8.85   2.51    49.61  - SSP NV 
Chris Christin    18.94  19.43   8.83   2.61    49.81  - SSP MM
Whitt Demming     17.61  20.31  11.63   3.18    52.73  - CDP NV
Danny Pate        22.16  17.99  10.12   2.56    52.83  - SSP MM
Rick Foote        20.86  24.06  6.91    2.67    54.50  - SSP NV    
Mike Starling, Jr 28.67  18.13   7.67   2.62    57.09  - SSP NV
Pam Christian     23.47  21.54  10.08   2.61    57.70  - SSP NV
Dick Shaw         22.98  20.55  15.24   3.38    62.15  - CDP NV
Perry Breithaupt  27.13  25.45   9.35   2.18    64.11  - SSP NV
James Baker       23.86  24.01  16.71   2.71    67.29  - SSP NV
Jim Shearin       28.26  26.15  13.03   3.32    70.76  - CDP NV     
