STAGE 1: STANDARD DRILL Three targets at 5 yards. String 1: On signal, draw and engage each target with two rounds each, freestyle, reload from slide-lock and reengage each target with two rounds in tactical sequence. String 2: On signal, draw and engage each target with two rounds each, reload from slide-lock and engage each target with one head shot. STAGE 2: GANG ATTACK On signal, draw and engage T-1 and T-2 (close range), avoiding the no-shoot. Then engage T-3 while moving to cover (mailbox). Once behind cover, engage T-4, T-5 and T-6 using cover. STAGE 3: ANOTHER GANG ATTACK (THANKS TO WHITT DEMING) On signal, draw and engage T-1 and T-2, while seated. Then stand up and engage T-3. Engage T-4 while moving to cover. Once behind cover, engage T-5 and T-6 with two body shots and one head shot, avoiding the no-shoot. STAGE 4: BASIC SKILL DRILL SO will load your magazine with an undetermined number of rounds. On signal, draw and engage T-1 through T-4 with two shots each. Then reengage each target with one round each. Reload when you reach slide-lock.
Name St 1 PD St 2 PD St 3 PD St 4 PD TPD TOTAL Robert Robinson 12.07 2 10.26 1 9.03 0 7.42 2 5 38.78 George Viar 16.86 5 13.90 1 10.47 1 7.30 1 8 48.53 - 1 Proc Whitt Deming 15.81 3 14.17 1 12.10 1 7.98 1 6 50.06 David Teague 18.89 7 13.65 3 11.92 5 9.40 3 18 53.86 Pat Kendall 18.62 6 16.73 1 12.38 2 9.51 3 12 57.24 Joe Dimotta 19.32 6 12.78 1 15.55 5 10.52 6 18 58.17 Danny Pate 17.45 1 18.63 3 13.51 3 10.25 3 10 59.84 Mike Deller 21.27 8 13.35 2 15.54 3 9.73 3 16 59.89 John Vance 18.70 8 15.23 6 12.06 0 15.46 6 20 61.45 - 1 Proc Tony Pierce 21.56 10 14.70 1 17.96 0 11.76 3 14 65.98 Tim Malloris 21.92 2 28.34 1 16.24 2 10.06 1 6 76.56 Melvin Watkins 25.80 9 18.72 2 18.46 4 13.95 6 21 76.93 Dan Sullivan 25.25 8 23.89 10 18.27 6 16.07 6 30 83.48 Dick Shaw 32.62 18 26.08 6 23.64 2 16.99 2 28 99.33 - 1 FTN Eric Brown 35.77 12 20.62 16 28.15 14 21.10 13 55 105.64 - 1 Proc Bryan Eastman 41.91 31 23.84 13 28.55 16 18.80 13 73 113.10 - 1 NS Martha Watkins 67.21 45 36.16 6 36.10 17 45.63 39 107 185.10